Q: What qualifications must a swimmer meet to join the Mermaids?
A: The Mermaids program is open to youth ages 6 to 18. Mermaid Competitive Team members must be able to swim the length of the pool in freestyle & breast stoke, 1/2 of the pool length under water holding their breath, float on back, and tread water for 30 secs in order to join our team.
Q: What is the difference between Novice and Intermediate?
A: The novice swimmers are new swimmers and those who have not yet met the requirements to move to intermediate. To become an intermediate the swimmer needs to either place first to eighth place in figures at Champs or place first in 3 dual meets. In a swimmers 1st year (or the 1st year they place in championships) it is at the coaches discretion whether to move a swimmer to intermediate who has placed in championships.
Q: When is a swimmer considered to be on the Mermaids team?
A: A swimmer is considered a Mermaid team member when she regularly practices with the team and is registered through ARD.
Q: Is this team primarily for recreation or competition?
A: The Mermaids team belongs to the VFCAL. The VFCAL is a recreation league that comprises of weekly meets in June and July and a Championship meet (Champs) in July. There are 5 teams competing in the VFCAL.
Q: What does VFCAL stand for?
A: Valley Foothill Competitive Athletic League.
Q: Are swimmers required to compete in meets?
A: Swimmers are not required to compete in any of the meets or Champs.
Q: Who is allowed to participate in meets?
A: All swimmers that can perform the necessary figures for the meet and are registered with the VFCAL can participate in the meet. Each team may enter 40 swimmers per meet so swimmers will not necessarily compete in all meets.
Q: Can I do Champs and not the dual meets?
A: No. Participation in at least 2 dual meets, is required to compete at Champs.
Q: What do the swimmers do at the meets?
A: All swimmers perform figures at the meets. Some routines will be performed at the meets per the VFCAL schedule. All routines (up to 12 per team) may be performed at Champs.
Q: Who determines which swimmers will do routines at the dual meets?
A: The coaches determine whether a swimmer is ready to compete in a dual meet and/or Champs.
Q: Do all swimmers competing at Champs do figures and routines?
A: No. 40 swimmers can compete in figures but not all swimmers do routines. Swimmers usually do not do routines their first year in competition. The coaches make all decisions about who will participate in routines.
Q: What do we wear at dual meets?
A: The swimmers all wear a black swim suit, goggles, nose clip and a white swim cap. This is the only required gear for our team. All these items can be purchased at our team store through Swim Outlet.
Q: Where can I get a nose clip?
A: Nose clips are for sale on deck at practice. We have small and large size both available for $.4
Q: When do swimmers need special costumes for their routines?
A: Swimmers will need costumes for routines at Champs and our annual watershow.
Q: Who decides the costume design?
A: The costume design is up to the coach and the teams costume coordinator.
Q: Who can I ask if I have questions?
A: You can ask any Coach, Team Manager, or experienced parent. We are all willing to help and answer any questions you may have. To contact the coaching staff by email: [email protected].
Q: How are routines decided? Who is included in a given routine?
A: The coaches decide who will be in a routine and for which routine they are appropriate.
Q: What types of routines are there?
A: There are routines for novice swimmers and intermediate swimmers. In each category a swimmer could be in a solo, duet, trio, combo and/or team routine(4-10 swimmers).
Q: How is information about routines communicated to the swimmers? To parents?
A: Coaches will tell the swimmers which routines they will be in at the beginning of the season (May) and parents are always welcome to talk to the coaches about any concerns regarding routine decisions, just not during practice time.
Q: What is the season for synchronized swimming? When can girls begin training?
A: The official VFCAL synchronized swimming season begins the first week in May. The Mermaids preseason begins in March with figures and conditioning.
Q: Approximately how much will it cost for my swimmer to participate? How is the fee determined?
A: The fees are determined by the Auburn Recreation District. The fees in 2023 are $220 per swimmer for the season ($230 for out of district). The preseason conditioning and clinics were an additional cost ($75/month). Preseason is optional.
Q: When are the practices? How long are the practices?
A: Starting in March we have conditioning every Monday/Wednesday for 1.75 hours and 2 hour Saturday clinics a couple times during preseason. Beginning in May practices are nightly, Monday thru Friday, from 6:15pm to 8pm (till 8:30 once school ends) and will include occasional Saturday or Sunday practices depending on routine schedules. Coaches will send out a schedule.
Q: What qualifications must a swimmer meet to join the Mermaids?
A: The Mermaids program is open to youth ages 6 to 18. Mermaid Competitive Team members must be able to swim the length of the pool in freestyle & breast stoke, 1/2 of the pool length under water holding their breath, float on back, and tread water for 30 secs in order to join our team.
Q: What is the difference between Novice and Intermediate?
A: The novice swimmers are new swimmers and those who have not yet met the requirements to move to intermediate. To become an intermediate the swimmer needs to either place first to eighth place in figures at Champs or place first in 3 dual meets. In a swimmers 1st year (or the 1st year they place in championships) it is at the coaches discretion whether to move a swimmer to intermediate who has placed in championships.
Q: When is a swimmer considered to be on the Mermaids team?
A: A swimmer is considered a Mermaid team member when she regularly practices with the team and is registered through ARD.
Q: Is this team primarily for recreation or competition?
A: The Mermaids team belongs to the VFCAL. The VFCAL is a recreation league that comprises of weekly meets in June and July and a Championship meet (Champs) in July. There are 5 teams competing in the VFCAL.
Q: What does VFCAL stand for?
A: Valley Foothill Competitive Athletic League.
Q: Are swimmers required to compete in meets?
A: Swimmers are not required to compete in any of the meets or Champs.
Q: Who is allowed to participate in meets?
A: All swimmers that can perform the necessary figures for the meet and are registered with the VFCAL can participate in the meet. Each team may enter 40 swimmers per meet so swimmers will not necessarily compete in all meets.
Q: Can I do Champs and not the dual meets?
A: No. Participation in at least 2 dual meets, is required to compete at Champs.
Q: What do the swimmers do at the meets?
A: All swimmers perform figures at the meets. Some routines will be performed at the meets per the VFCAL schedule. All routines (up to 12 per team) may be performed at Champs.
Q: Who determines which swimmers will do routines at the dual meets?
A: The coaches determine whether a swimmer is ready to compete in a dual meet and/or Champs.
Q: Do all swimmers competing at Champs do figures and routines?
A: No. 40 swimmers can compete in figures but not all swimmers do routines. Swimmers usually do not do routines their first year in competition. The coaches make all decisions about who will participate in routines.
Q: What do we wear at dual meets?
A: The swimmers all wear a black swim suit, goggles, nose clip and a white swim cap. This is the only required gear for our team. All these items can be purchased at our team store through Swim Outlet.
Q: Where can I get a nose clip?
A: Nose clips are for sale on deck at practice. We have small and large size both available for $.4
Q: When do swimmers need special costumes for their routines?
A: Swimmers will need costumes for routines at Champs and our annual watershow.
Q: Who decides the costume design?
A: The costume design is up to the coach and the teams costume coordinator.
Q: Who can I ask if I have questions?
A: You can ask any Coach, Team Manager, or experienced parent. We are all willing to help and answer any questions you may have. To contact the coaching staff by email: [email protected].
Q: How are routines decided? Who is included in a given routine?
A: The coaches decide who will be in a routine and for which routine they are appropriate.
Q: What types of routines are there?
A: There are routines for novice swimmers and intermediate swimmers. In each category a swimmer could be in a solo, duet, trio, combo and/or team routine(4-10 swimmers).
Q: How is information about routines communicated to the swimmers? To parents?
A: Coaches will tell the swimmers which routines they will be in at the beginning of the season (May) and parents are always welcome to talk to the coaches about any concerns regarding routine decisions, just not during practice time.
Q: What is the season for synchronized swimming? When can girls begin training?
A: The official VFCAL synchronized swimming season begins the first week in May. The Mermaids preseason begins in March with figures and conditioning.
Q: Approximately how much will it cost for my swimmer to participate? How is the fee determined?
A: The fees are determined by the Auburn Recreation District. The fees in 2023 are $220 per swimmer for the season ($230 for out of district). The preseason conditioning and clinics were an additional cost ($75/month). Preseason is optional.
Q: When are the practices? How long are the practices?
A: Starting in March we have conditioning every Monday/Wednesday for 1.75 hours and 2 hour Saturday clinics a couple times during preseason. Beginning in May practices are nightly, Monday thru Friday, from 6:15pm to 8pm (till 8:30 once school ends) and will include occasional Saturday or Sunday practices depending on routine schedules. Coaches will send out a schedule.